I would like to present on or facilitate a discussion of... |
I would like to learn about... |
Coordinator |
Jason Kucsma, METRO |
Coordinator |
Miriam Deutch, Brooklyn College |
Coordinator |
Jill Cirasella, Brooklyn College |
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Mark Matienzo, NYPL |
Contextual social bookmarking, linked data, prioritizing infrastructure |
GIS, Fedora/repositories, data curation |
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Stephen Francoeur, Baruch College |
Future of digital reference services |
Institutional repositories & data curation (success stories). Identity tools: OAuth, OpenID, information cards, FOAF. Contextual browsing & social browsing: Glue, Kynetx, etc. Federated search (esp. local search vs. broadcast search). |
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Jenna Freedman, Barnard College |
exciting non-techie projects people are working on, critical pedagogy |
4 |
Larissa Kyzer, Palmer MSLIS student, Assistant Organizer NYLibrarians Meetup |
Digital reference, open access programs and initiatives, young adult reference sources |
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Stephanie Gross, Organizer NYLibrarians Meetup; Librarian Yeshiva University |
a panel with others on social networking for librarians |
Information entrepreneurship (i.e. non-traditional jobs for librarians), future trends for libraries, esp. academic, Web2.0 technology as it is assessed today. Security issues on the internet. |
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Bob Kosovsky, New York Public Library |
marketing, outreach, assesment of Library 2.0, future of libraries, convincing non-2.0 believers, and lots of other stuff |
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Sara Rofofsky Marcus, QCC |
choosing the best Web 2.0 tool for the need |
the new cataloging guidelines |
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Maura Smale, NYC College of Technology |
(more "facilitate a discussion of" than "present on") information literacy strategies for small library departments |
digital reference, authentic assessment of library instruction, critical pedagogy, institutional repositories |
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Alycia Sellie, Pratt Institute Libraries |
I would like to discuss organizing library events and alternative materials in libraries |
outreach, critical pedagogy, managing without being the man, how to be engaged while avoiding burnout, special collections |
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Susan Chute, New York Public Library |
Publicizing collections using 2.0 |
marketing, outreach, new 2.0 tools, libguides, widgets, reference w/ twitter, digital collection union catalog |
11 |
Jonathan Cope, College of Staten Island |
Facilitate discussions about: critical information literacy/pedagogy, librarianship as an intellectual craft |
on-campus and off-campus outreach, the management of virtual reference services, collection development, pedagogically useful info literacy assessment methods |
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Ellen Mehling, Queens Library and METRO |
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Stephanie Walker, Brooklyn College |
Open Access/Open Source in libraries |
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Jonathan Greenberg, Queens College GSLIS |
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Beth Evans, Brooklyn College, CUNY |
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Anne Leonard, NYC College of Technology |
wikis/social bookmarking; SMS reference; open source alternatives to turningpoint, blackboard |
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Stephanie Fernandez, MLS Student-St. John's University |
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Lauren Robinson, MLS Student, Queens College |
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Jennifer King, Lehman College, CUNY |
Science related government resources |
various aspects of collection development including:
alternative sources of funding;
collection assesment; and
creating a collection development plan
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Librarians & AIT at Brooklyn College |
SRMS - Subject Resource Management System |
Demonstration of the SRMS system (available free to CUNY Colleges)
This system dynamically manages and creates subject organized web pages
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AIT at Brooklyn College |
Focus Group - New Licence Tracking Module for SRMS |
Brooklyn is developing a License Tracking Module that would integrated into SRMS. Your imput as to design and functionality would be aprreciated |
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AIT at Brooklyn College |
Cool Stuff |
Demonstration of some of the programs and systems developed at Brooklyn. |
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Nick Irons & Carlos Cruz Brooklyn College |
Alternatives for Blackboard down time |
Discussion of alternatives that librarians can recommend to faculty for when Blackboard goes down |
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Maximum attendance is 125.
If more than 125 people want to attend, we will create a waiting list.
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